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Walking and Cycling Grants London blog

Celebrating Walking and Cycling Grants London 2019

On November 21st we celebrated the achievements of this year’s Cycling Grants London awardees with an evening of sharing stories and ideas. This year’s projects have helped London's diverse communities cycle more often and more safely through a range of schemes – from guided rides and bike maintenance courses, to cycle training.

To date TfL has funded 120 cycling projects in 32 London boroughs, and provided £891,000 in grants. 

In 2018/19 (year three of the scheme), we have seen:

  • 8,745 participants
  • 845 bikes refurbished
  • 1483 rides organised
  • 82 people who gained bike maintenance skills 

This year was also the cause for a double celebration, as we welcomed recent awardees from walking projects. TfL has recently awarded more than £400,000 of grants to 60 community and not-for-profit groups that encourage local people to walk and cycle more. This is the first year TfL grants have included walking projects, with 26 of the 60 projects focusing on walking, helping people to connect with their local communities, learn new skills, get active and improve their physical and mental health.

At the celebration event we were joined by special guest speaker - Will Norman, Walking and Cycling Commissioner - who discussed all things to do with cycling and walking within the Capital and London's wider sustainable transport strategy. There were also presentations from members of Groundwork London (WCGL’s administrators) and current WCGL projects, who all shared their experiences from the past year.

Watch our video below to find out more:

